Chicago’s Chief Sustainability Officer Discusses Plans To Reduce Carbon Footprint & Increase Energy Efficiency
Published Date: October 21, 2015
The City of Chicago’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Karen Weigert, recently gave an interesting interview concerning her work. Some of the achievements: “We’ve been able to look at our own infrastructure. We are focused on retrofitting city buildings. We were able to do about 60 buildings recently, funded at no risk to our taxpayers. We’ve built a Retrofit Chicago program where we collaborate with partners and make it easier for residents to become more energy efficient. We have a single phone number for residents to access energy efficiency programs. We actually know which neighborhoods are more or less energy efficient and who’s really going to benefit from efficiency. The commercial buildings initiative of Retrofit Chicago, involves more than 50 buildings that have committed to at least a 20 percent improvement in energy efficiency within five years.” Read Part 1 of the Interview