Jerry Brodsky speaks at Latin American Association of Construction Law
Location: University Auditorium - San Jose, Costa Rica
Start Date: February 25, 2014
End Date: February 27, 2014
Speaker(s): Jerry P. Brodsky,
Practice Area(s): Construction Dispute Resolution,
Jerry P. Brodsky will be speaking at the Latin American Association of Construction Law (ALDeC) sponsored by the Center for Resolution Conflicts on February 25-27, 2014 at the University Auditorium in San Jose, Costa Rica. Mr. Brodsky will participate on a panel along with Construlegal members Jaime Gray (Peru), Roberto Hernandez (Mexico) and Victor Madeira and Fabio Allem (Brazil) titled “The Contractual Risks – Dispute Boards and Arbitration in Construction”. The panel members will focus on the role that dispute boards and arbitration have in solving construction conflicts that arise during a project.